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To get familiar with the code, see the full source documentation, or browse the code on GitHub.

The structure of Firebreath forces the project directories to be structured a bit counter-intuitively, such that the SockIt source root is located in the projects directory of the firebreath source tree.

The build process is automated on Windows, Linux, and Mac, but each platform has a few basic dependencies.

Getting the Source

  1. Install git if you have not already done so, and if you are on Windows, add git to your PATH variable. For Mac, we recommend using homebrew to install git.
  2. Clone the firebreath-dev branch. This project requires at least version 1.5, but in our experience building the plugin, the firebreath dev branch has been fairly stable.
    git clone git:// firebreath-dev
  3. Make the projects directory.
    mkdir firebreath-dev/projects
  4. Clone the SockIt source as a new project, and cd into the project directory.
    git clone firebreath-dev/projects/sockit && cd firebreath-dev/projects/sockit



  1. Install dependencies of Firebreath and SockIt.
  2. sudo apt-get install cmake libgtk2.0 g++
  3. Build for either 32-bit or 64-bit Linux by providing 64 or 32 for platform, respectively.
    ./ <platform>


  1. Install dependencies of Firebreath and SockIt. We recommend using Homebrew or MacPorts to install git. Besides git, you will need Xcode, which you can obtain from Apple.
  2. Build universal SockIt binaries for Mac by running


  1. Install Visual Studio 2010 (Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 should also work, but are untested).
  2. Add Visual Studio's msbuild and its dependencies to your path.
  3. Run build_win.bat.



  1. Package SockIt for Chrome and Firefox on either 32-bit or 64-bit Linux by providing 64 or 32 for platform, respectively.
    ./ <platform>
  2. Binaries can be found in bin/linux/.


  1. Package SockIt for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari by running
  2. Binaries can be found in bin/mac/.


To package SockIt on Windows, add Chrome to your PATH.
  1. Package SockIt for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox on Windows by running pack_win.bat.
  2. Binaries can be found in bin/win/.

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